What is SecurityCoach and How It Works?

What is SecurityCoach and How It Works?

Users watch and download movies, download music, download unauthorized software, and use USB drives on their work laptops. Such users could be misusing their work computers and putting your business at risk. Lack of awareness and coaching encourages your users to continue this unhygienic cyberculture.

What is KnowBe4’s SecurityCoach?

KnowBe4’s SecurityCoach introduces Human Detection and Response (HDR). It is a new generation security approach. It is to enable true behavioral change in users and mitigate risks at the human element. The SecurityCoach provides instant coaching on risky user activities. Thus, building a more effective and mature cybersecurity culture. It also adds value to all layers of your existing security posture.

How SecurityCoach works?

It allows you to set pre-defined actions and rules from your security platform. A SecurityCoach bot feature is also available. This helps in detecting bad user behavior and sending helpful information to your users immediately. You can send the SecurityTips to the users via emails, and MS Teams. These SecurityTips educate a user on why this specific action is dangerous.  The SecurityCoach dashboard displays events and other data from the security platforms. On this dashboard, you get to see information about:         Fig 1: Helps you to determine which users and actions you should focus on. This feature helps you create a Real-time Coaching Campaign. Using this real-time coaching campaign, you can:

Fig 2: Steps in the Real-time Coaching Campaign

Why KnowBe4’s SecurityCoach?

Businesses deploy many security vendors to protect the business’ applications, networks, and devices. It is a given that these security vendors collect tons of data on the risky user behaviors they detect. One spends many hours going through these security logs. Seamless integrations allow SecurityCoach to access your existing security platform. It also allows you to track when it detects certain actions sorting tons of security data. It identifies the gaps, and patterns in your business’s security measures. Also, giving visibility on which users are responsible for risky activities. SecurityCoach provides SecurityTips to users involved in risky user patterns.

Wrap Up

It has over 100+ SecurityTips in 34 languages covering a wide range of topics. These SecurityTips can help your business in strengthening the Human Firewall: The Users! Build your business cyber security culture. Collaborate with a specialized Cyber Security company like SNS ([email protected])! We put forth the best cyber security solutions to reduce cyber risks & in turn the financial risks to a great extent.


Secure Network Solutions (SNS) provides a quantifiable, risk-based approach to building a global structure of cyber security infrastructure based on internationally recognized frameworks and practices. We have been providing services and catering to clients across industries for the last 22 years. Write to us at [email protected] or visit us at www.snsin.com.


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