How is Screen Time Affecting Us?

How is Screen Time Affecting Us?

Technology and digital devices have become a necessary evil. Whatever the age group, social setting, or financial background, there is no life away from a smartphone or laptop. While they have some advantages in that they help build knowledge and raise awareness about the world, they interfere with our physical and psychological creativity.

Screen time refers to the amount of time an individual spends looking at a screen on any electronic device such as a tab, computer, smartphone, laptop, or video gaming console. A lot of research and investigation has been done to underscore the negative impact it has on children and adolescents. There is a correlation found between screen time and anxiety, depression, and burnout.

Let us look at some of the adverse effects of continued screen time on children and adults.

1. Inconsistent sleep: Social media browsing before hitting bed has become a norm among people today. However, they do not realize that the light emitted from electronic devices disturbs the brain and impacts sleep quality. Doctors advise that screens should be kept away for at least an hour before one goes to bed. In addition, the weakening of eye muscles can lead to vision impairment over time.

2. Obesity: Excess time spent in front of the screen can give rise to a sedentary lifestyle, not to mention the harmful effects of remote working during the pandemic. Such patterns are conducive to obesity and pose a risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels. Besides, the habit of consuming food and having easy access to everything one needs while remaining seated in one place has further aggravated this issue.

3. Cervical, Spondylitis, and other back & Neck problems: Sitting in front of a screen can interfere with one’s posture, causing stiffness in the neck, back, and shoulder muscles. Taking breaks to walk around, exercising regularly to keep the pain at bay, and stretching at intervals can cure the problem.

4. Mental health: Many studies have shown that spending time in front of a screen can affect a person’s emotional well-being. Suicidal tendencies on account of drawing comparisons with what they see on social media, people in general, both young and old, show a lower ability to have control over emotional patterns. Exposure to violent content on the internet directly impacts antisocial behavior and decreases pro-social behavior.

5. Psychoneurological effects: Addictive screen time reduces social coping mechanisms and promotes dependent behavior, which could include substance abuse.

6. Cyberbullying: Harassment via text messages and social media intolerance is rapidly intensifying, especially among young people. The impact on their self-respect as a result further gives rise to suicide ideation and social exclusion.

How to Reduce Screen Time?

Below are some tips that can help us to limit screen time to a few hours a day.

1. Setting aside time to unwind: It is essential to teach children the importance of having dedicated time away from the screen. Likewise, elders should set the right example by ensuring that specific time is set for social activities and family.

2. Using parental controls: You can use methods to filter or block unwanted and unfavorable content. Parents can even set daily screen limits for children and lock them out of using applications after they have reached a set amount of time.

3. Encouraging other activities: Digital devices are addictive. Therefore, it is even easier for children to become reliant on electronics for entertainment. Instead, they should be encouraged to participate in other activities that challenge brain development and provoke thought and curiosity. Playing board games is far more advantageous for sharpening the brain.

4. Keeping screens out of the bedroom: A healthy habit can be established in a household if its inhabitants decide to keep screens out of the bedroom. Using it only for sleeping or other activities involving personal engagement is the best way to make the most of the space and ensure better sleep quality.


It is not possible to turn our backs on the digital world. We have started to blend in with the reality of the digital era for a long time. Therefore, going back to the times when electronic devices were hardly used is not an option.

It is in our control to increase and decrease the usage of digital devices. It is crucial to look after our physical and mental well-being in this fast-pacing digital world.

However, managing our health and reaping the perks of living in the modern world is still possible.


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