What is Static Application Security Testing (SAST)?

What is Static Application Security Testing (SAST)?

A decade ago, organizations wanted software that had both quality and security. But the reality is complex. Your developers code and check for bugs as best as they can. But they are only human. At some point, bugs show up. Organizations were releasing code into the production environment without mandatory code scans. Else, organizations await security vulnerabilities to afloat post-deployment. The mission-critical device at times, fails due to faulty software code. Your developers rush out a patch as a remedy. This heavily costs your organization money, reputation, and customer satisfaction.

What is the current scenario?

Organizations can’t afford to be careless and lethargic in today’s world. Software organizations focus on developing, delivering, and deploying their own unique applications. Thus, enhancing their business offerings and better serving their customers but the focus on security is lacking.  Securing the code & building unique applications is challenging and crucial. As a result, Cybercriminals are targeting Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and exploiting security loopholes. Cyberattacks on web applications and mobile applications are on the rise constantly.

What is Static Application Security Testing?

SAST identifies vulnerabilities during the software development phase by scanning the application source code. During the scan, SAST prioritizes security vulnerabilities and threats and remediates them. Static Application Security Testing


Vulnerability assessment is worth a shot as it is the only way to mitigate security threats. Cybercriminals attempt to exploit security loopholes to gain access to your IT environment. SAST is a must for developers to scan the source code and fix bugs on the go. A detailed and complete security vulnerability assessment eliminates the underlying security bugs. Thus, a secure application gets released post-development phase.

Wrap Up

Organizations must embed SAST into their SDLC pipelines to secure their source code. This allows their developers to run scans on the code even a thousand times a week. Seamless SAST integration and automation improve application security and reduce delays in testing. It is crucial to have security vulnerability detection and remediation during software development. SAST solution is crucial for securing your business-critical applications. ABOUT SNS Secure Network Solutions (SNS) provides a quantifiable, risk-based approach to building a global structure of cyber security infrastructure based on internationally recognized frameworks and practices. We have been providing services and catering to clients across industries for the last 22 years. Write to us at [email protected] or visit us at www.snsin.com.  


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